
Look what I've discovered! I call it...THE WHEEL

I'm noticing that galleries have a tendency to overcrowd artwork. I'm going to sound like a totall douche but I have to say it....it kills my buzz. Maybe "overcrowding" isn't exactly what I dislike. My problem is when the work is in that limbo between being overcrowded and having healthy breathing space. Pick one, goddamit, but don't just hang the crap up on the wall with two feet between pieces and then expect me not to pan over it like some kind of schizophrenic narrative. For example:




Perhaps I am just an anal asshole....one with no room to complain.
(Credit for photographs goes to ArtBusiness.com)



Anonymous said...

Yes, good obervation. Also, it's important not to have HORDES of people around. I like quiet and empty museums. It's the same principle, you have to breathe, and so does the art.

Gee, that sounds really lame...

Anonymous said...

You were in my dream last night. Very weird.

hydrocoil said...

What did I do in your dream? Something wonderful????

Anonymous said...

How did you know???