
r a ke t a - k o p e r n i k

So this is the official replacement for my favorite fhakin object, which I lost on the trip to the porkies. Actually, in the picture below I'm still wearing it. Damn. Still makes me really sad. I just want to get this one (it's coming from Saint Petersburg) and open up the back and stare at the movement for at least half an hour. I'm excited.


Anonymous said...

so you bought it. cool. does that mean you figured out how to bid at the last second?

hydrocoil said...

Haha. Damn that ebay. I actually couldn't bid on it. I had my sister scope it out for me because I had to be at Wayne when the auction ended.

It will be arriving at my home shortly...well...perhaps like in a week. I should email you photos then, so you can feign enthusiasm. ;)

Anonymous said...

Let's have a moment of silence for your lost keepsake. And let's keep an eye out just in case.

hydrocoil said...

Shit, I just woke up and now I'm melancholy because of the watch. Oh well...

Time to take a shower.
