
the body vs. the body

I accidentally had an interesting experiance this morning. I woke up, made my tea, like the ritualistic animal that I am, and headed online for the usual art research. If you ever wake up in the morning and wonder what the hell I am doing, it is staring at pictures while listening to pandora and drinking sweet tea in a christmas mug, wearing non-matching house garb and socks only if it is particuarly cold.
So I returned to a site that I like to look at occasionally, because I find it somehow relaxing and thought provoking, but mostly sexy. I suggest you spend the next fifteen to twenty looking at it and then, just like I did, look at the work of Boris Mikhailov . I suppose the title makes more sense now...at least I hope. I am not posting any photographs this time. You don't get a 'heads up'.


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