
Z e f r e y T h r o w e l l

So I found this guy through a video posted on fecalface (The Maidenhead Voyage Into Dark Waters, or First Fuck-Worst Luck). I started digging around his site and I thought his work was okay but what I thought was particularly cool was his artist statement.
He wrote:
I am a self-taught artist who learned from looking over the shoulders of friends. I am attempting to be as honest as I can possibly be. This is what I think about when people ask me, What is it all about?
I do not think that my paintings or projects depict anything half as twisted, beautiful, macabre, or hilarious as what the average person walking down the street thinks about on an hourly basis. We are murderous folk in our minds! We are loving people in our minds! We are completely embarrassed and ashamed and we are also proud and generous! We have these thoughts! Is it not better to get them on paper and start talking about them and foster a human connection concerning the dark secrets that we tend to carry? "
He isn't saying anything new or revolutionary but I like the explosion of energy.
Website:Nothing Says I Love You Like I'm Leaving .


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