
Stolen art and the $100,000 dating service

Somehow, I found myself on the FBI website today. I must have been prepossessed by 'High Sierra' and Bogart into searching out criminal lovers or something. I was totally floored when I checked out the top ten most wanted because the descriptions read just like personal ads. For instance: "Donald Eugene Webb, who is considered a career criminal and master of assumed identities, specializes in the burglary of jewelry stores. He is reportedly allergic to penicillin, a lover of dogs, a flashy dresser and a big tipper." Or this guy, Bulger : "Bulger is an avid reader with an interest in history. He is known to frequent libraries and historic sites. Bulger ... maintains his physical fitness by walking on beaches and in parks..." And then there is the FBI Art Theft Program which has a wonderfully catchy acronym and a swell logo. (Apparently there was a Monet stolen in Poland in 2000.) And there is an Art Crime Team. Are they anything like the fashion police?
Screw all that... you want something good? Go to the FBI kid's page and put the secret agent in a disguise.



Anonymous said...

I like High Sierra.

hydrocoil said...

Yea, tony and I have been on a bit of a Film Noir marathon since I've been sick. We watched High Sierra, Notorious and just yesterday watched The Stranger. On a side note, I considered watching the Unbearable Lightness of Being, but I heard that Kundera hated the movie and never allowed another film to be based on his books, so perhaps I won't.

Anonymous said...

Now you're just being silly. Stephen King hated Kubrick's The Shining, but guess what, the movie's much better.

You have to see:
- Double Indemnity
- The Killing
- Sunset Boulevard
- The Maltese Falcon
- In a Lonely Place
- The Third Man

those are pretty much my favorite noirs of all time.

hydrocoil said...

I've seen the Maltese Falcon, and I'll check out the library soon to see if they have the other ones. My brain hurts this morning, shit.

So you vote yes on watching the Unbearable Lightness of being?
